59% of promotions at Línea Directa in the first half of the year are for women
- Línea Directa focuses on the promotion and professional development of women as the primary measure for boosting female talent in the company. This is evidenced by the fact that 59% of internal promotions in the first half of 2022 went to women.
- These promotions span all levels and areas of the company. Of the women promoted in the first half of the year, 54% have been promoted to senior positions in the company's chain of command. Moreover, 63% of promotions to STEM positions went to women.
- One of the levers behind promotions and internal mobility at Línea Directa is that of fostering training and professional development opportunities that facilitate women's access to the chain of command and positions of responsibility. In the last year, 97% of employees received training, of which 60% are women.
- The company has an Equality Policy and Plan that includes more than 130 measures for achieving a work-life balance, including leaves of absence that allow individuals to deal with complex family matters and to balance such situations with their working life.
- As part of this commitment, Línea Directa has recently joined the UN's Target Gender Equality (TGE) accelerator programme, as well as the BME IBEX Gender Equality Index, which measures the presence of women in management positions and on boards of directors of Spanish companies.
Madrid, 26 July 2022 – In its commitment to female talent, Línea Directa Aseguradora focuses on the promotion and professional development of women as the primary measure for boosting female talent in the company. This is evidenced by the fact that 59% of internal promotions in the first half of 2022 went to women. These promotions stem from a company culture based on merit and achievement that allows all people, regardless of gender, to grow professionally in the company.
One of the levers behind promotions and internal mobility at Línea Directa is that of fostering training and professional development opportunities that facilitate women's access to the chain of command and positions of responsibility. In the last year, 97% of employees received training, of which 60% are women. In this respect, the company has a highly balanced workforce, with women occupying 50% of senior positions and comprising 55% of the Management Committee.
The promotions in this half of the year span all levels and areas of the company. Of the women promoted in the first half of the year, 54% have been promoted to senior positions in the company's chain of command. Historically at Línea Directa, the presence of women has been part of its ethos, thanks to the company's commitment to talent diversity since its very beginnings.
In addition, 63% of promotions to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) positions in the company have gone to women. This is particularly relevant given the low presence of women in technology and science roles. Línea Directa, as a leading company in digital transformation in the insurance sector, is committed to providing training in digital skills throughout the company and to supporting all employees in moving towards leadership positions in STEM projects.
The company has an Equality Policy and an Equality Plan, commitments that are undertaken at the highest level of corporate management. These include more than 130 work-life balance measures, aimed at both men and women, which address the special circumstances that arise at important times in people's lives. These include accompanying families at the times when they need it most, such as the birth of a child, so that this important moment in life does not hinder professional development. These measures also include time off to deal with complex family situations (serious illnesses or situations involving dependents) and to make these events compatible with working life.
Línea Directa Aseguradora adheres to the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs). In line with this commitment, Línea Directa has recently joined the Target Gender Equality (TGE) accelerator programme, also sponsored by the UN, with the aim of promoting the presence of women on corporate boards of directors and in executive management positions. The company has also joined the IBEX Gender Equality Index, an index backed by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) that measures the presence of women in management positions and on the boards of directors of Spanish companies. At Línea Directa, 57% of the Board of Directors is made up of women. This makes the company the insurer listed on the Spanish continuous market with the highest rate of female presence on the Board of Directors.
For Mar Garre, Director of People, Communication and Sustainability at Línea Directa Aseguradora, "equality must be present in culture, policies, systems of acknowledgement and leadership style. Since the company was founded, we have learned that what fosters the professional development, promotion and presence of women in management and leadership positions are, in addition to non-discrimination on the basis of gender, the promotion of co-responsibility between men and women, training and a culture of flexibility.”