null Línea Directa Aseguradora occupies position 55 in the global ranking of the most sustainable companies in Spain
Coche eléctrico Línea Directa

Línea Directa Aseguradora occupies position 55 in the global ranking of the most sustainable companies in Spain

  • Línea Directa Aseguradora is among the 100 most responsible companies in terms of ESG in Spain, according to the 2021 Merco ESG RESPONSIBILITY ranking published by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor MERCO.
  • The company has climbed 9 places in the ranking for Spain compared with the previous year to 55 position in terms of ESG responsibility. Línea Directa remains in fourth place nationally in the specific classification for the insurance sector.
  • This rise is due to the company's endeavours in the area of ESG. In the environmental sphere, by incorporating into its corporate governance goals to promote environmental protection and the fight against climate change; in the social area, by focusing on caring for groups at risk of exclusion and promoting equality and diversity, but also promoting health, road safety and security at home; and in the field of good governance, covering the ethical management and correct performance of the company in an increasingly digital world with new emerging risks.

Madrid, 28 April 2022. The Corporate Reputation Business Monitor MERCO has released the 2021 edition of the Merco ESG Responsibility ranking for Spain, in which Línea Directa Aseguradora is rated among the 100 most responsible companies in terms of ESG in Spain, specifically in position 55. This monitor, previously called the Merco Responsibility and Corporate Governance ranking, evaluates and integrates the efforts of companies in relation to the ESG areas of sustainability: Environmental, Social and Good Governance.

In this edition, Línea Directa Aseguradora occupied 55 position, up 9 places compared with the previous year and improving its positioning with regard to sustainability in Spain for the third consecutive year, according to this benchmark monitor. Línea Directa remains in fourth place nationally in the specific classification for the insurance sector.

This rise in the ranking is due to the improvement in the results analysed by the monitor through more than 43,000 surveys, seven evaluations (including by executives, experts, SMEs and the general public) and 25 sources of information (including CSR experts, financial analysts, economic journalists, members of the government, NGO representatives and consumers).

This improvement is also attributable to the company's endeavours in the area of ESG through the sustainability plans of the Línea Directa group, which it has been preparing since 2011 on a three-year basis.

In the environmental area, the company is incorporating into its corporate governance goals to promote environmental protection and the fight against climate change; in the social sphere it is focusing on caring for groups at risk of exclusion and promoting equality and diversity, but also promoting health, road safety and security at home; and in the good governance area it is focusing on the ethical management and correct performance of the company in an increasingly digital world with new emerging risks.

Línea Directa Aseguradora has also considered the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda in its Sustainability strategy.